Art is more

For many art lovers, owning and even collecting pieces of art is a passion. Obviously, not every one has the means to do this but would like an ever-changing environment of art at his or her home or office.
For Brigitte Schumacher, Art is More also means choice: you can choose between buying pictures or two forms of financing: renting or hire-purchase.
These arrangements are designed for a 12-month schedule. Either you own the piece after 12 affordable payments, or you could just rent it for the same period of time and pay the low monthly fees.

Art is More by Brigitte Schumacher means choice in every regard: your piece of choice and the form of financing that works best for you.

Here, you see a selection of pictures and their associated buying price (Bp.), installment price (Ip.) and rent price (Rp.). Of course, you are free to rent other pictures as well. The prices are always in line with the picture's size.

The artistic ambiance in rooms: